Your Elimination Diet Planhealthogenics
Congratulations for taking your next steps in your health and wellness journey Now that you have received your results and taken the time to review them and understand the items which you may be intolerant to it is time to take action and begin healing your body Are you part of the 50 of the population that suffers from a food sensitivity Sensitivities can cause unpleasant symptoms such as weight gain fatigue bloating GI issues skin issues joint pain and more These symptoms are typically a result of foods and drinks causing inflammation in your body or your gut Over time the symptoms may become worse as you continue to repeatedly expose your body to the food or drink items you are sensitive or intolerant to Elimination diets are considered the best method to help heal your body from food intolerances and sensitivities By eliminating food and drinks items based on your results and following your Elimination Diet Plan you can learn how to better understand your body and be more in tune with the impact the foods you eat have on your health Our body is continuously trying to maintain balance When imbalanced our body works hard to attempt to regain homeostasis and can leave us with fatigue brain fog and lethargy By helping balance our body with the proper diet and nutrition we can help it to achieve optimal health and harmony
How it WorksYour Elimination Diet consists of 3 phases:Phase 1: The Elimination PhaseThe elimination phase is a 30 day time period inwhich you will eliminate certain foods and drinksfrom your diet. You should begin to see animprovement in your symptoms in 2-3 weeks.Phase 2: The Reintroduction PhaseOnce you have completed the elimination phase ofyou Elimination Diet Plan, you can then begin yourreintroduction phase. During the reintroductionphase, you can begin reintroducing foods and drinksto your diet that were removed during yourelimination phase.Phase 3: The Maintenance PhaseAfter eliminating and reintroducing items into yourdiet, you are ready for the maintenance phase. During the Maintenance Phase, you will continue toconsume your new diet based on the results of yourReintroduction Phase. It is very important that youlisten to your body and respond if you notice new orreturning symptoms.
To get started on your Elimination Diet Plan, we recommend thefollowing steps:Step 1: Review your resultsStep 2: Plan AheadBefore beginning your Elimination Diet Plan, you will want tothoroughly review and understand your results.If you have questions regarding the information contained inyour results, we recommend that you refer to the Help Centerlocated in your Client Portal. There you will find over 1000searchable articles and resources to quickly and easily answeryour questions and help you understand your results.Also, if you have other areas of your health that need to beaddressed based on your report, it is highly recommendedthat you also understand how to improve those areas as wellas they could also impact your ability to fully address yoursymptoms with the Elimination Diet Plan.Make sure you plan ahead and prepare to enter into yourElimination Diet. Having access to your beneficial foods anddrinks and removing access to foods and drinks you will beeliminating from your diet are ways that you can ensure youwill make consistently good choices.Keeping a food journal or diary is also something that canhelp you to understand the positive changes that areoccurring during your Elimination Diet Plan. Documentingyour food and drinks, water consumption, mood, energy,sleep, weight and other symptoms will prove to be veryvaluable as you continue throughout the 3 phases. How Do I Start?
Phase 1: Your Elimination PhaseDuring the Elimination Phase, it is recommended that you removeall foods and drinks which have a yellow or red result from your dietfor the next 30 days.If you find that this is too restrictive, remove the red items andconsume the yellow items as little as possible.Please understand, that by consuming the yellow items, you maynot heal your body as quickly or a thoroughly as these items havebeen shown as causing a sensitivity or intolerance within yourbody.While this phase tends to be a bit difficult at first, use it as anopportunity to introduce new foods to your diet that are deemed"Beneficial" (green) from your results. This will help you to broaden your food choices and also provide anopportunity to increase nutrient consumption from the foods youeat.Remember, moderation and rotation is KEY!Be sure to consume plenty of water during your Elimination DietPlan as this will also help your body to heal and cleanse itself. Itcan also help with cravings you may experience from removingfoods and drinks from your diet.
Phase 2 Your Reintroduction PhaseAfter completing your 30 Day Elimination Phase, it is time to startreintroducing foods and drinks back into your diet!During this phase, it is recommended to keep a food journal ordiary to log your intake and symptoms each day. This will behelpful in identify an item that is reintroduced that may causenew or returning symptoms to appear.BloatingFatigueGI IssuesInsomniaSkin changes such as rashes or acneHeadachesJoint painStomach pain or crampsSymptoms may include:Each food should be reintroduced individually. Once you haveconsumed a newly added food, you should watch for new orreturning symptoms over the next 2-3 days.If after you reintroduce a food, you have no new or returningsymptoms, you can assume that your body is now able to toleratethat food item.If you experience new or returning symptoms, you shouldeliminate the item for an additional 2 weeks before attempting toreintroduce again.It may be possible that an omitted item may not be able to beadded back into your diet for longer than expected. Thisindicates that your body needs more time to heal from theintolerance of this item or it may even be something that youshould consider permanently removing from your diet altogether.
Phase 3: Your Maintenance PhaseRecommendations: Retest in 3-6 monthsAfter eliminating and reintroducing items into your diet, you arenow in the Maintenance Phase.In the maintenance phase, it is very important to consume foodsand drinks in moderation and rotate them in your diet. Overconsumption of an item can lead to the development ofintolerance or sensitivity over time and cause new or returning symptoms as a result.Keeping a food diary can also be helpful during this phase as it canhelp you to identify suspected items if symptoms do return.If you suspect something is causing symptoms are that your bodymay have developed an intolerance or sensitivity, it is best toremove that item from your diet for 1-2 weeks and monitor yoursymptoms before reintroducing.As your body heals and adjusts to your new diet, it is always helpfulto monitor your progress and identify changes that have occurredover time.We recommend that you retest no sooner than 3 months after yourlast test and find that retesting every 6 months is optimal formonitoring your health and wellness. Restesting at 3 months isadvised if you develop new or returning symptoms and are unableto uncover the cause of the item(s) which may be the culprit. www.healthogenics.comFor additional insights into the items contained in your reportor your Elimination Diet Plan, please visit our Help Center inyour Client Portal. You can also reach out to a member of theHealthogenics Support Team. Healthogenics does not make medical diagnosis nor is it intended to be a substitute for professionalmedical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualifiedhealth providers regarding medical conditions, symptoms or questions. Never disregardprofessional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read inHealthogenics materials. Healthogenics assumes or undertakes NO LIABILITY for any loss ordamage suffered as a result of the use or misuse of any information or content or any reliancethereon. This report is for informational purposes only. If you think you may have an emergency,call your doctor or seek emergency services immediately. healthogenicsWe are always happy to help!